Monday, 30 October 2017

Making the house

Week 2! Time to work on this house! Now this will involve ALOT of different tools! All of which are incredibly helpful!(don't worry, I won't go complaining)

First off, we have a cube (Which I changed to the specifications to  the right, we want a cuboid, flat on the ground.
Next up, we want to divide the front face into three segments,using the subdivide tool, we want linear, and the V option to be upped to 3.

Next Extrude the two side faces we just made, and pull them out. Creating the C shape. Nothing more,nothing less.

Next, We click on a side face, and double shift click the face next to it, to get all thefaces that  wrap around... Then, divide it by the U value.

Then we subdivide the middle faces of the three rectangles, and divide them into 5, again, linear, by 5.

We then grab the  middle two faces(so 2 and 4) and Extrude them in, giving them depth.

Now we need to make frames, So, with those faces still selected, linear, divide by 3x3,making a 9 square grind on EACH face.

The middle vertical and middle Horizontal (So excluding the corners) Will be thinned, and extruded out, again, giving depth.

Now the roof! First, grab the top faces, extrude it once, but not too far.

NOW... We beegin the complicated portion... This was made using a mixture of the knife tool AND the connect tool (Basically connecting edges by creating a vertices on the edge) BUT the knife tool, allows you to select point on an edge, and a point on an opposite edge, giving MUCH more control. But, the Connect tool DOES come in handy... When you have nearby edges to work with.

Then pull up,and BOOM! A roof!


Very simple,we divide the front (Lower two lines of faces) into strips of 6 of 2 planes (So 12 planes all together, again subdivide,very easy)

We want  a frame, and what I hose to do was extrude, and target weld the bottom vertices, to get this shape (Alternatively you COULD subdivide again and go about it that way.

Then you extrude, and boom! A frame!...Now, you could do more detail, like a door handle, glass pane windows (Whicha gain,more subdividing, more extruding) But... That seems overly redundant... SO...How do we go from a simple house, to something... I  guess more stylized?
Boom, If you enter smoothing mode (3 key) the model will be turned from the straight faces, to curves (Basically it will change the rendering method. from point to point, to a more curved calculation)

Overall, this task was... An interesting way to introduce different tools... And the house, actually wasn't terrible!

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